nPETS Final review with CINEA

nPETS Final review with CINEA

The final review with the CINEA was a comprehensive gathering to review the achievements of the project. The event began with a welcome address and agenda overview by Ulf Olofsson from KTH, followed by his presentation on the overall progress made. Suat Sevencan (KTH)...
nPETS Final Event

nPETS Final Event

The nPETS Final Event, held on November 12, 2024, in Brussels, explored the impact of ultrafine particle emissions from transport, in partnership with the LEON-T and ULTRHAS EC projects. The event brought together experts to discuss strategies for reducing...
Policy workshop

Policy workshop

On October 22, 2024, nPETS, in collaboration with the LEON-T and ULTRHAS EC projects, organized an online “Policy” workshop. The aim of the workshop was to assess the new knowledge generated and explore how it can be used to create a “policy brief”. The...