Related projects


DownToTen: Measuring automotive exhaust particles down to 10 nm (H2020)
Relevance to nPETS: DownToTen developed a reliable and robust methodology to enhance the regulatory approach in the assessment of particle number emissions in the sub 23 nm region (down to at least 10nm), focusing on state-of-the-art automotive powertrains with direct injection gasoline engines, but also diesel ones, under real-world operating conditions. DownToTen will provide valuable input to several WPs in nPETS, such as lab and field tests (WP3&4), characterisation of nanoparticles (WP6), and impact assessment and standardisation (WP7).

Common partners: AUTH (coordinator) and Tampere University

LOWBRASYS: a LOW environmental impact BRAke SYStem (H2020)
Relevance to nPETS: LOWBRASYS developed a novel and low environmental impact brake system that reduced micro and nanoparticles emissions by at least 50% as well as deeply understood the brake wear nanoparticles effects on health and the environment through state-of-the-art non-in-vivo techniques and related policy recommendations.

Common partners: BREMBO (coordinator), KTH and IRFMN

REBRAKE: 50% Reduction of Brake Wear Particulate Matter (FP7)
Relevance to nPETS: Deeply understood the physical and chemical phenomena underlying the brake wear process and analysed characteristics course, fine and ultrafine particles to reduce at least 50% particulate matter mass reduction from brake wear.

Common partners: BREMBO (coordinator) and KTH

MODALES: MOdify Drivers’ behaviour to Adapt for Lower EmissionS (H2020)
Relevance to nPETS: MODALES develops a user-centric approach to enhancing low-emission practices and suppressing high-emission behaviour, covering vehicle emissions from 3 main sources (i.e., powertrain, brake wear and tyre wear). Its one-year-long field demonstrations in 8 European cities with a number of users and vehicles involved will provide ground truth data as evidence to guide the derivation of effective driving practices and training courses for different user groups. This result will be used in nPETS for policy development and assessment. MODALES is an InCo flagship project which creates a worldwide platform for sharing and exchanging innovative solutions, experience and best practices between cities in Europe and beyond. nPETS will make use of this channel to echo the EC ambition to open up global markets in research and innovation, as well as transport and health services.

Common partners: UNIVLEEDS, CERTH and BREMBO

CARES: City Air Remote Emission Sensing (H2020)
Relevance to nPETS: CARES advances remote emission sensing instruments, intelligent data handling and analysis by turning fast-response air quality sensors into roadside point samplers, adding particle mass, number, and size to the remote emission sensing measurement capabilities. Its comprehensive database (by merging vehicle emissions data with vehicle technical data from national vehicle registers and relevant data from traffic and air quality management systems) will be considered in nPETS for data compatibility, comparability and sharing in Task 2.3 (database and data exchange).

Common partners: AUTH and UNIVLEEDS

SUREAL-23: Understanding and measuring SUb-23 nm particle emissions from direct injection engines including REAL driving conditions (H2020)
Relevance to nPETS: SUREAL-23 delivered systematic characterization of sub 23 nm particles to facilitate future particle emission regulations as well as assessed any potential trade-off between advances in ignition combustion engine technology towards increased efficiency and emissions.

Common partners: CERTH (coordinator)

PEMs4Nano: Portable Nano-Particle Emission Measurement System (H2020)
Relevance to nPETS: PEMs4Nano developed measurement procedures down to 10nm based on current direct injection gasoline engines, providing a contribution to future regulation on particle emissions, in particular in real driving conditions. nPETS will take this as input to develop regulatory recommendations for mitigation measures in future legislation on air quality and emissions, and global standards in critical industrial areas such as engines.

Common partner: None

TIP: Tire Industry Project (World Business Council For Sustainable Development)
Relevance to nPETS: TIP is a global CEO-led initiative undertaken by leading tire manufacturing companies, which drives research on potential human health and environmental impacts of tires throughout their lifecycle.

Common partner: Its key members (e.g., Bridgestone and Michelin) are currently partnered with BREMBO, UNIVLEEDS, and CERTH in the MODALES, as mentioned above project.

AVIATOR: Assessing aViation emission Impact on local Air quality at airports: TOwards Regulation (H2020)
Relevance to nPETS: AVIATOR aimed to measure, quantify and characterise airborne particles from aircraft engines under parking, taxiing, approach, take-off and climb-out conditions; further to establish interdependencies in the air quality causality chain that better linked the current particle emission certification methods with local air quality regulation that was designed for health protection.

Common partner: None

CHEERS: Chemical and Physical Properties and Source Apportionment of Airport Emissions in the context of European Air Quality Directives (FP7)
Relevance to nPETS: CHEERS aimed to determine the impact of particles from aircraft upon particle concentrations and size distributions, which were used as an indicator of particle sources and formation mechanisms; and to identify the particle source apportionment to quantify the impact of aircraft, road traffic and other airport particles upon local air quality.

Common partner: None

SCIPPER: Shipping contributions to inland pollution push for the enforcement of regulations (H2020)
Relevance to nPETS: SCIPPER aims to provide evidence on the performance and capacity of different techniques for monitoring and regulations of shipping particles, and to assess the impacts of shipping particles on air quality, under different regulatory enforcement scenarios.

Common partner: Tampere University

ENSPIRIT: Elimination of NOx, SOx and Particulates in Rail Transportation (FP7)
Relevance to nPETS: The core research work in ENSPIRIT project partly focused on the production of a pre-production prototype catalytic device, which was integrated into a system of combined devices for the removal of ultrafine particles.

Common partner: None

IMPROVE: Implementing Methodologies and Practices to Reduce air pollution Of the subway environment (LIFE)
Relevance to nPETS: The IMPROVE LIFE project led to real improvement in subway air quality from the viewpoint of decreasing particles, meantime, to suggest the cost-effective and low energy particle mitigation strategies.

Common partner: CSIC

AIRUSE – Testing and Development of air quality mitigation measures in Southern Europe (LIFE)
Relevance to nPETS: The overall goal of the AIRUSE project was to develop and demonstrate cost-effective measures for ensuring better air quality in urban areas. It aimed to identify the most effective mitigation measures for reducing PM levels to within acceptable limits and thus to contribute to meeting current and future EU targets for air quality. The results provide an excellent start-point for nPETS to develop new nanoparticle-related transport policies and mitigation measures.

Common partner: CSIC

TUBE: Transport derived Ultrafines and the Brain Effects (H2020)
Relevance to nPETS: TUBE studies the effects of smallest traffic related ultrafine- or nanoparticles beyond the lung on brain health. TUBE aims to discover the harmful components of air pollution and identify biomarkers for early detection of brain disease related to air pollution.

Common partner: Tampere University

ULTRHAS: ULtrafine particles from TRansportation – Health Assessment of Sources (H2020)
Relevance to nPETS: Highly relevant, same programme and topic (LC-MG-1-14-2020). Non-regulated nanoparticle emissions from transport sources. End date 31 August 2025.

Common partner: None

LEON-T: Low particle Emissions and lOw Noise Tyres
Relevance to nPETS: Highly relevant since it deals with low particle emissions and low noise tyres. Same topic LC-MG-1-14-2020 The EU-funded LEON-T project will study both particulate and noise emissions from tyres. End date 31 May 2024.

Common partner: None

AURORA: Actionable eUropean ROadmap for early-life health Risk Assessment of micro- and nanoplastics
Relevance to nPETS: AURORA is studying microplastic and nanoplastic pollution (MNP) and its potential impact on health, especially during early life and development. The EU-funded AURORA project aims to develop a framework for MNP risk assessment to evaluate its impact during pregnancy and early life. It will achieve this through in-depth testing and epidemiological data to reveal how MNP exposure can affect child development and health. The ultimate goal is to provide a comprehensive way to evaluate the true impact of MNP while informing European policy and improving quality of life. End date: 30 November 2023.

Common partner: None