Background: nPETS, ULTRHAS, LEON-T will have three workshops together. The first one KTH arranged about emission factors. The second one is on toxicology analysis (March 2024) arranged by ULTRHAS. The third one is on Policy (November 2024 preliminary), which KTH will arrange.
When: 18.03.2024, 09:00-14:00
Where: Zoom
Topic: Use of lung cell cultures to assess emission toxicity.
Goals: 1) Increase collaboration; 2) Compare the toxicity of emission exhaust using different exposure and cell approaches; and 3) Identify knowledge gaps for in vitro assays.
Workshop set-up: We will have several presentations to give an update about the various exposure campaigns and cell effects. The presentations will be followed by discussing common strategies to conclude about the health hazards of emissions of different transport modes across the three consortia. The workshop’s main goal is to discuss how we can compare toxicity across projects when different lung models and exposure approaches are used. Harmonizing cell models and endpoint assessments will support the hazard assessment of particles derived from different sources across the projects.
Registration: please sign up for the workshop until March 13, 2024, using the following link (or QR code in the agenda), and you will see the ZOOM link for the workshop after registration:
The full agenda can be found here.